People are not all that are roaming the halls of Anderson Shiro’s Junior-Senior High. One home-bound student roams the halls from her home with the help of a computer, and a robot, and a program called Morgan’s Angels.
Students use the schools wifi and a computer from home to control what are basically computers and cameras on wheels, explains the Angels’ Jordan McMillain, adding that Anderson Shiro’s lone robot is controlled by Mariah Ortaz, currently at home due to ongoing chemotherapy.
And while missing school may seem the least of a little girl’s problems, McMillain says there’s more to it than that. It’s also missing time with friends and classmates and other simple things, like how to dress.
McMillain reports, students are encouraged to dress their robots up and have seen homebound students fix homecoming mums to their surrogate bodies and have even gone to prom.
For little Mariah, the school’s Christy Neinstedt reports, the robot allows her to be more like every other kid in school, adding that spending time with her friends and peers is booster for her moral.
Morgan’s Angels is part of the Education Service Center 6. To find out more about it, go to