It’s been more than a year, now, since Mayor Bert Miller donated family land on Navasota’s west side for Grace Park. and since Ccouncilman Geoff Horn donated an architectural drawing of its potential.
Since then, Project Coordinator Doris Sauls has led work crews to prepare the five acres, and had discussions with local banks and both railroad companies to help raise the necessary funds. She’s also set to unveil what she’s calling a capital campaign so citizens can take part.
And she’s gonna need all the help she can get. The estimated price to get Grace Park fully operational is just shy of a million dollars. But Sauls insists that’s a small price to pay for what the city’ll get.
She’ll present all the details to City Council at their next regular session, Monday night, the 23rd. and Navasota News will be there . . . just in case you can’t be