And suddenly it’s going to take a little longer for Grimes County’s 6th incorporated city to begin functioning, as the 12th District Court has ruled the Plantersville Election must be postponed from its previously scheduled July 15th date.
The county’s election administrator admits it’s all due to a miscalculation of hers about three extra days she mistakingly thought needed to be added to the sign-up period. Rebecca Duff tells Navasota News, several folks who had signed up on those extra days, petitioned for the injunction.
She says the county commissioners will re-set the election date at their next regular session. And she hopes it’ll be very soon, as the fall election keeps getting closer.
Even if we hurried up and had the election 60 days after the Court re-sets the date, Duff figures, that’s still the middle of July, the middle of August, the middle of September. Early Voting for November starts in October.
And after the county has already spent $3,500 on the election, Duff says this situation has made her physically ill.
In all the years she has worked in as the elections administrator, she says, this is her third incorporation election, and the only one with a blemish on anything, so she just wants everything worked out for the best of everybody.
The commissioners court is set to take up the date for the new Plantersville election on July the 11th. And Navasota News will be there . . . just in case you can’t be.