You can experience the life, love and loss of six women in a small Louisiana parish through October 1st, as Steel Magnolias plays Navasota’s Sunny Furman Theatre. it’s an environment that Navasota Theatre Alliance’s communications director says she can identify with.
Carol Herrington says she went to school in New Orleans, and although this doesn’t happen New Orleans, she insists women everywhere can identify with Truvy’s, because all of the business in a small town happens in a beauty parlor. But besides being familiar with this particular aspect of the Cajan culture, Herrington adds she’s just as familiar with this particular story as well.
She says that while she’s seen Steel Magnolias both on TV and on the silver screen, the incarnation on now at the Sunny Furman is the absolute best portrayal of the story she has ever experienced!
Unfortunately, the dinner show on the 23rd is already sold out. But there’s many other performances that aren’t, with Thursday through Saturday evening shows at 7 and weekend matinees at 2 through October 1st. Get your tickets online now, while they last, at navasota theatre dot org.