Get ready for your close-up, Navasota. At least that’s the goal of a new joint-venture between City Council and the Navasota School Board to promote both the city and school district.
Navasota City Manager Brad Stafford is one of a dozen members of a new committee called TEAM, which he explained stands for Top notch Education And Municipal organization during City Council.
Joining Stafford as TEAM members, are Navasota Mayor Bert Miller, Councilman Josh Fultz, Navasota Police Chief Justin Leeth, the City’s Casey Ellis, Chamber Director Johnny McNally, Yolanda Fultz, Mildred Edwards, NISD Superintendent Dr. Stu Musick, and School Board members Trisha Harris, Jennifer Ramirez and Amy Jarvis.
Following the group’s third meeting, Stafford reported, TEAM began working on a project called, “Where Are They Now?” highlighting Navasota High School graduates from as far back as they want to go. Stafford said the Navasota Examiner would be assisting in the effort, along with high school students who would be doing the writing and the video. “Where Are They Now” will be a weekly feature in the Examiner.
And, Stafford added, TEAM’s looking at the possibility of angling for the attention of even bigger fish in the future by way of a potential TV spot that would be targeted to the Houston market later on.
The new TEAM, team, Stafford explained to Council, came about as a result of the recent joint meeting between Navasota City Council and the NISD School Board.
Stay Tuned.