The only wolf sanctuary in Texas just joined the Navasota Grimes County Chamber of Commerce. it’s the St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary, founded by Missionary Jean LeSev, who’s Montgomery County raptor sanctuary got a call from the county in 2002 about an injured wolf.
Sanctuary Executive Director Nicole Rogers says she had her leg caught in a trap, she had been shot and they didn’t want to harm her anymore, so they called LeSev, who healed her and fell so in love with wolves that she began the new sanctuary. For her, Rogers says the attraction of wolves is that they live and work together as a team where every member counts.
Currently the sanctuary cares for 14 wolves and wolf-dogs on the original 11 acres it leases from founder LeSev. But Rogers tells Navasota News that’s about to change, bringing the St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary here.
Because their current lease with LeSev is about to end, they have purchased a 15-acre parcel on Pavlock Road in Navasota.
They expect to begin construction on their new Grimes County site by the end of 2018, Rogers says, and to be completely relocated by sometime next year.
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