Graduates of the 2020 Senior Class in Iola will be getting a parade of their own later this month.
In a letter sent by the district Tuesday, it was announced that 2020 seniors will have their parade brought to them on May 22nd. Each graduating senior is invited to stand in cap and gown, along with their parents or guardian, next to their personalized yard sign.
The signs will be placed on FM 244, near the football stadium. The parade of vehicles will begin travelling south on 244 from the Iola Fire Station around 7:30 pm, about 45 minutes before sunset.
Iola ISD asks that parents park in the football parking lot, and maintain the appropriate social distancing. Signs will be placed 8-10 feet apart, according to the release, and will be placed in alphabetical order.
Plans for actual graduation are still on, as Iola has set tentative dates in June, July and August.