A reminder as September begins, that early voting starts up next month for the November elections.
Governor Gregg Abbott’s new dates for early voting begin October 13th, and go through October 30th.
“Each week, we will have a long day, so we will have a 7 am to 7 pm day. So, you can at least do two Tuesday’s that will be seven to seven, to make sure everyone can vote. So, we have people who work and commute outside the county…we have time for you,” said Grimes County Elections Adminstrator Lucy Ybarra. “We also will be open October 25th from 1 pm to 5 pm, to allow for our Sunday voters. If you want to come in after church, or you work on the weekends…we are building that schedule to make it as much ease of access for our voters as we can.”
Now usually, there are voting locations for every precinct, but things are a bit different now, after former administrator Rebecca Duff made Grimes County a county wide polling place.
“You can vote anywhere in the county, please do not think that ‘well, my location is not open this time, what do I do? I cannot vote,” oh no, no, no. We have it open everywhere across the county. We have got locations from the North part, which is Bedias, all the way down to Todd Mission, which is the most Southern. We have locations in Navasota, Richards, Anderson, of course, we will have locations spread out all over the place, 10 total, which are listed on our website. That way, people can vote anywhere, and still have that availability and are able to go in if they are commuting out of the county,” said Ybarra.
Early voting will begin October 13th, and if you have any questions, you can contact the elections administrator’s office at 936-873-4422.