A few months back, the street and drainage crews of Navasota began working to improve drainage in the western residential areas in town.
Jose Coronilla, director of streets and sanitation for the city, gave an update on that project at Monday’s city council meeting. He said that this project went in conjunction with the Foster Street drainage project, which they were able to extend over to West Virginia Street, Wright Street, and Grace Street as well.
“Between the 700, 800, and 900 block of West Virginia Street, and we did some work on the 900 block of Grace Street, and the 400 block of Wright Street. 15 culverts were replaced there, we were able to save 29, and readjust 14 culverts,” said Coronilla.
Replacement of culverts means just that, but by “saving them,” he means they were able to just clean them out. And by readjusting culverts, they had to fix the height. But, in all, Coronilla says the work is already showing.
“All of those areas are draining really good…those guys did a really, really good job,” Coronilla said.
Coronilla also touched on another intersection in that area that they are working on addressing.
“We are currently trying to fix Grace Street and Ella, by Prince Hall Plaza Apartments, that whole ‘L’ right there. In order to have that fixed, we have to readjust 3 culverts, I think we will be able to save 4, but we will have to replace 12, just in that ‘L’ right there. Every time it rains, we just have a lot of water standing there. Those culverts are just completely bad,” Coronilla said.
No timeline was given for the work potentially at Grace and Ella Streets.
In his update, Coronilla also added that paving work on the Railroad Street project has begun.