The City of Navasota is reminding citizen’s of road closures coming this weekend during the Home for the Holidays event.
According to the release sent on Tuesday, the city says there will be affected traffic between 5:30 pm and 7 pm, when the Christmas parade concludes.
Washington Avenue, from Brosig Street to FM 379 will be closed for the duration of the parade. Streets surrounding City Hall, McAlpine and Farqhuar, will also be closed on Saturday.
The parade route will go down Washington Avenue, beginning at Brosig Street. From there, participants will turn left on 9th Street, left on McAlpine Street, right on 10th Street, and finally turn left on Holland street, where the parade will end at City Hall. The Christmas Tree lighting will follow the parade.
More information on the event can be found at home for the holidays dot com.
Any questions or concerns can go to the city at 936-825-6475.