Progress is continuing in the gymnasium in Iola this summer.
Speaking at he most recent school board meeting on Monday, Iola High School principal Brian Fowler gave an update on how things are going so far.
“They have not started the actual floor part, but they are taking apart the whole bleachers. So, that is about 50 to 60 percent done, I guess they are taking every single piece apart and refurbishing it. So, they are almost done with the deconstruction of the bleachers. There is no timeline for the floor, but it should not be too far off,” Fowler said.
Now, the design for the new floor was voted on within the district, and Superintendent Scott Martindale said one logo design was the overwhelming favorite.
“Option 1 was the floor with the Bulldog in the center, and Option 2 was the one with the State of Texas outline, with the IHS in the middle. Option 2 had almost 77 percent of the votes, and that is the design we told the floor manufacturer to go with,” said Martindale.
There was no specific date for the final completion of the gym, but it should be completed by start of school.