In their first year of existence, the Iola High School robotics team is competing for a state title this weekend.
The team advanced from the North Houston region to the state finals in October, competing against, and outscoring, some bigger 5A and 6A schools in the process. Head sponsor for the team Krisha Goodney says it was unfamiliar territory, but they came together in a big way.
“It was exciting because, we knew kind of what to expect, but we also did not. When we got there, we were this little fish in a big pond, that has never been there before. So, we were kind of lost, but kind of not,” Goodney said.
“Everyone, though, was so nice. We got the Rookie Team of the Year Award because they just loved us…because we were in North Houston, everyone wanted to talk to us, little Iola. People asking ‘where is Iola?’, and all that.”
There are four separate events they must prepare for, which includes a marketing presentation up to building an actual robot. Iola will be competing in the 1A through 4A classification group.
She says what makes this group unique is they all come from different backgrounds.
“We have a pretty diverse group of students. But, to see them work together, and come together in the competition, was really fun.
Competition for the Iola High School robotics team at the state finals begins this Thursday, and goes through this Saturday, up in Frisco. For updates, check the Iola ISD Facebook page.