The newest attraction to downtown Navasota, the PA Smith Hotel, will be getting a slight facelift to match the rest of the businesses on Washington Avenue.
Development Services Director for the city Guadalupe Diosdado presented a contract from the PA Smith Hotel for the city to foot some of the bill to allow their sidewalks to match the rest of the streetscapes downtown.
“Specifically, the work in the right of way, which includes the planter boxes, sidewalks, raised curbs, pavers, and ornate decorative lights we use downtown. The total amount of the agreement is $82,375. We are working with [Mr. Sheavy] on a timeline, but what we are proposing, is payment within six months of completion of those improvements,” said Diosdado.
Diosdado was asked whether or not this money is available in the current budget…
“That is one of the reasons why the six month language is in there, because we were going to try and find it, and if we could not, Mr. Sheavy was flexible on working with us for the next fiscal year, that is why that six months language is in there,” said Diosdado.
City Council ultimately approved taking on some of the bill for improved sidewalks at the PA Smith Hotel to match the rest of the cityscape.