The newest phase of the Pecan Lakes subdivision in Navasota will have a bit more area for space and recreation.
At the March 28th city council meeting, councilman Josh Fultz gave an update on the most recent Planning and Zoning Committee Meeting from March 24th, where the application from Jim Hasselt was discussed.
“Add an additional 4.018 acres of green space to Pecan Lakes phase 4…with addition of a cul-de-sac, and a sidewalk along with the cul-de-sac. Planning and zoning added too they wanted electricity, so there would be a light at the end of the cul-de-sac next to the green space,” said Fultz. “Mr. Hasselt agreed, as well, to running in water and sewer.”
He said the P&Z were all in agreement with approving the application, but it will go to be formally approved by city council at their next meeting, scheduled for April 11th.