The new Grimes County Justice Center has settled into its new role nicely, but a few fixes still remain.
Building Maintenance Manager Rodney Floyd gave an update at Wednesday’s Commissioner Court meeting, saying they have just 12 pen maintenance tickets left, but two of those projects might be larger fixes.
“The AC in the IT Director’s Office, which we are trying to circumvent, and make a cheaper process. Then, the stalls in the men’s public restroom, those are the only two forthcoming that could cost the county,” said Floyd.
“Is it too hot, or too cold, in the bathroom?” asked County Judge Joe Fauth.
“It is the partitions in the restroom, they are not functioning as designed,” said Floyd.
He added the majority of the warranty maintenance items have been rectified in the last two or three weekends. The maintenance shed out back will also be ready for completion by August.