Navasota’s Police Department has named John Shoemaker as the city’s new Assistant Police Chief. Shoemaker, most recently serving as Investigator with the Navasota Police Department, will be sworn in on Monday May 8, 2023, at 3pm in the City Hall Council Chambers. Shoemaker has been with the Navasota Police Department for over 8 years and has experience serving as a patrol officer, in command leadership, as part of a Special Response Team and worked in the Criminal Investigations Department (CID).
“I am pleased to welcome Assistant Chief Shoemaker in his new role at the Navasota Police Department,” Navasota Police Chief Mike Mize said. “His leadership and willingness to serve will allow our department to continue to provide the best services to our community.” The Assistant Chief is slated to serve as the operational manager for the department and assist in its direction and leadership. The position reports to the chief of police and oversees daily operations such as emergency management plans, records management, and operational/legal compliance with federal, state and local law. “Over the years, Shoemaker has demonstrated his willingness to go above and beyond his assigned police duties by helping on community projects, events, and other leadership projects that better our community,” City Manager, Jason Weeks said.