Northern Grimes County residents are one step closer to having a place to buy and sell their own local produce thanks to one Bedias Business owner. Kyle Zulch tells Navasota News he’s spoken with a few local producers and they seem interested.
Unless people grow it them selves, he reflects, we have no fruit here.
Zulch says nobody else has thought of bringing a market to Bedias before, and to start it off on the altruistic foot he promises he won’t charge any vendor for setting up in the parking-lot of his feed store, 2-Z Farm & Home, and grins, he has a hankering for some apples.
Now is the time, he continues, to start setting up how the market will be operated and when it will be set-up.
Zulch hopes to have everything ready to go by growing season, so if you are interested or know someone who might be, he invites you or them to call him at 936-395-6902 for more information.