If you’ve been wondering why portions of downtown Navasota have lost power several times recently, Entergy’s Ronnie Hale says you can blame it on the birds! Literally.
Hale tells Navasota News the company doesn’t know why, but vultures continue to be attracted to the Navasota sub-station and has for some time now been trying to scare off the flying scavengers with loud booming propane cannons and even fake bird vulture carcasses . . . but to no avail.
The only thing that seems to be working, he explains, are sets of spikes that deny the feathered-fiends a place to roost.
Hale says the company will be installing the spike strips on all of the flat spots after the first of the year and has several people working behind the scenes. But it reminds us it has to work with both state and federal agencies whose job it is to protect the animals.
As Entergy continues its ongoing battle against the buzzards, Navasota News will keep you up to date, provided, of course, there’s power for you to hear us report about it.