The BIS Clinic in Bedias is partnering with the Texas A&M College of Nursing in a new program, called “Rev-Up.”
Dr. Cindy Weston from Texas A&M says they are bringing in their nurses to create education programs for the public.
“Particularly about vaccine preventable diseases. They will go into school districts, and educate on vaccine awareness, and what vaccines are available to prevent vaccine related diseases,” said Dr. Weston.
She says they hope to target the seven county Brazos Valley area, plus five adjacent ones, so twelve total counties.
The campaign will run through Spring 2022. As far as what lawmakers can do at the state level, Director of the BIS community Clinic, Elizabeth Ellis, says they need to focus on two things. One, getting physicians to rural areas, and two, getting fiber optic internet to the same areas, so citizen’s have better information access.
“We are seeing more and more nurse practitioners in the state opening rural health clinics, and we legislatively, need to eliminate any barriers to practice that we can,” said Ellis.
The Rev-up program begins this month with the BIS Community Clinic. If you would like more information, you can contact the clinic at 936-241-3431.