A review of the two largest pieces of the Bryan school district’s proposed $132 million dollar bond issue were reviewed at this week’s school board meeting.
Click HERE to see the background information presented to the Bryan school board.
A third of that amount addresses projects at Stephen F. Austin and the civic auditorium, which Superintendent Tommy Wallis considers to be most complicated. That’s due, in part, to fitting a new three story SFA education building between the football stadium, the civic auditorium, and the main gym.
Dr. Wallis says the only building that would be razed would be an old wood shop.
The new SFA would include a new auxiliary gym and converting the current one into classrooms and a library.
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Almost $47 million dollars would go into new classrooms, renovating the auditorium, and moving administrative offices to the current SFA building.
Dr. Wallis was also asked after administrative offices were moved and those former locations were sold, what would become of that revenue. He recommended spending that on additional projects not included in the bond issue that were identified in a district facilities study.
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The board also discussed how the rebuilding of Sul Ross Elementary would impact traffic on Carter Creek Parkway and playground needs for students during construction.
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