For the first time in recent history, the Bryan school board may be able to adopt a budget with surplus funding.
During a board workshop Wednesday, assistant superintendent Amy Drozd says the district could have an additional $3.2 million dollars.
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The proposed budget includes two department directors and three other fulltime professional positions that were recently hired. It also includes 20 additional teachers and an administrator in charge of finding energy savings, which have not been approved by the board.
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For the first time in five years, Bryan ISD employees on the district’s health insurance plan may be paying more. Drozd says the recommended five percent increase would be split equally between the district and employees who have coverage with their spouse, child, or a family plan. The increase for those on the district’s “gold” plan that is used by most employees is $10 a month for family coverage, $8 a month for employee and a spouse, and $6 a month for employee and a child.
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The board was asked to continue flu shots for employees and make them available for elementary students next year.
August 18th is the tentative date for the Bryan school board to consider adopting next year’s budget.