The City of Navasota is embarking on their Capital Improvement Project in the coming months, to replace many of the older things in Navasota.
But, what all is included in that project? City Manager Brad Stafford gave a brief rundown during the most recent Grilling Stafford episode.
“Water mains, sewer mains, storm drains, and streets in each area where we are working. And, the work varies, depending on if a water main is in the street, outside of the street, or where it is. But, the good news, it will change the way our facilities operate. They will be more efficient,” said Stafford.
Stafford did not have the exact streets listed, but the streets that will be receiving work have signs up already, notifying citizen’s of it.
He added that there’s a little more way to go, but this gets the waves rolling a bit.
“It is not a full replacement, that would take millions of more dollars. But, it is a start, and will really help us out,” said Stafford.
Stafford said the maps showing specifics will be up on social media soon. No word on when construction would begin.
For questions, contact the city at 936-825-6475.