A Navasota woman, allegedly with plans to leave the state while having warrants for her arrest, was apprehended early Wednesday morning, after authorities performed a “catfish” sting.
The arrest report from College Station Police says they got the call from Aggieland Bail Bonds that 38 year old Jeanna Lee Lamas of Navasota had outstanding warrants, and was planning to flee. That is when the employee said she “catfished” Lamas into thinking she was a male wanting sexual relations.
Lamas arrived at the agreed upon scene on Armistead Street, where instead of a male companion, she was greeted by officers. Inside a black duffle bag on her person was a small amount of heroin, a bottle of Kolonopin pills, plus various syringes and metal spoons, used for consuming heroin.
Upon searching her record, officers discovered she had a warrant from Grimes County for bringing a prohibited item into a correctional facility. She also had her bond revoked on a Credit Card Abuse charge. Additionally, Lamas faces new charges of Possession of a Controlled Substances PG1 and PG3.
Lamas remains jailed in lieu of bonds which total $23,000.