Hungry goats were BAAAA-ck in Navasota this October for the second straight year, eating overgrown vegetation in Cedar Creek.
But city manager Jason Weeks says that is not the only effort ongoing to give the area a new shine.
“November 14th through the 19th, we will have ‘Clean The Creek Week.’ Now that the goats have eaten the grass away, staff and the community will get together to try and clean out the creek, beautify it…make it a place where people start coming, and revitalize that area,” said Weeks during the most recent city council meeting.
With part of that clean up also comes the disposal of decrepit structures.
“In the budget, you set aside money to tear down the pavilion there. So, we anticipate we will have the pavilion behind Blue’s Alley taken down before we do this,” said Weeks. “In conjunction, the contractors will also be taking the one over by the Boy Scout hut down.”
Weeks says the cleanup will start a the bridge by Brookshire Brothers, and eventually move down to Brosig Sreet.
The city will also be notifying residents along the cleanup route beforehand, and no be removing any large trees.