The newest ordinance regarding aggressive dogs in Navasota went through it’s first reading successfully at Monday night’s city council meeting.
But in that ordinance are three categories for the animal: aggressive dog, dangerous dog, and a nuisance dog. Interim police Chief Mike Mize gave a breakdown.
“Dangerous dogs, according to state law, is when a dog attacks a person, and causes serious bodily injury. Aggressive dogs is for attacking a person, without major injury, or a person’s private animal. A public nuisance animal is ones who bark all night long, with whom we have given warnings, or a potentially lose animal,” said Mize.
City Attorney Cary Bovey explained as well that the city has the final call on determining a nuisance dog, and gave a bit more clarification.
“It is when a dog has three or more of those violations for barking, loud noise, being a large, et cetera. Then, animal control can move to have that dog declared a public nuisance,” said Bovey. “There is an appeal process for persons against whom the city takes that action.”
The only additional changes to the ordinance came to small language.
Council approved the first reading of the new aggressive animal ordinance.