The City of Navasota has garnered yet another award.
“We have received an ‘Excellence in Leadership and Economic Development’ Award from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), which is the worlds largest, and most prestigious organization serving economic developers. The City of Navasota received a Bronze Award for ‘Best General Purpose Print Promotion’ for the Navasota Works Project, which was completed in May 2021,” said Economic Development Director Rayna Teicheira at Monday’s city council meeting.
“It was a dedicated pamphlet and brochure, developed by both the city, and the Bush School at Texas A&M’s Capstone Project, to highlight the city’s Capital Improvement Project over the last few years.”
Navasota was also one fish selected out of a large pond.
“The IEDC received over 500 award application submissions, from the United States and four countries around the world. So, we are very excited to receive recognition for this award, and for he partnership we have with he Bush School a Texas A&M,” said Teicheira.
She also presented an award plaque to the Bush School, as a thank you for their assistance in the project.