The College Station city council received the proposed FY 2015 budget Thursday night. It calls for a property tax increase of 2.6542 cents. For the owner of a home valued at $224,500…the average value in College Station…that means a tax increase of $59.59.
Click HERE to be directed to the proposed budget.
$1.6 million in new revenue will go to the police department, fire department, and public works.
The police department would gain two traffic officers, another animal control officer, and three support positions.
The fire department would add five firefighters and two EMS/safety officers.
There’s an additional $425,000 budgeted for street repairs and $152.050 for the first of a four to five year implementation of a traffic signal master plan.
The budget includes no rate increase for College Station electric, water, wastewater, drainage, or residential sanitation customers.
The council will hold budget workshops at the Graham Road utilities building August 18, 19, 20, and if needed the 21st.
Public hearings for the tax rate are set for September 3 and 11. The public hearing on the budget would be held September 11.
Final adoption of the budget and tax rate is scheduled for Monday, September 22.
City staff listed the following key points influencing budget preparation:
Texas A&M projecting an increase of more than 5,300 students this academic year, to more than 59,000; along with additional people attending football games at the expanded Kyle Field.
Enrollment increases at Blinn College.
Continued growth and expansion in the biocorridor and in the health care sector.