• Archery-July 28
• Boxing-July 25
• Disc Golf-July 26
• Golf-July 21
• Skateboard-Aug. 1
• Soccer-July 25
• Tennis-July 28
Also note that some events have been removed from the games due to lower than expected statewide registration.
Original story:
There is still time to register for the TAAF Games of Texas, which will be held in Bryan and College Station next Thursday through August 4th.
TAAF stands for the Texas Amateur Athletic Foundation, which is the governing body for sports and related activities for the state’s parks and recreation departments.
10,000 athletes in 14 sports are expected to compete. They will be joined by an estimated 20,000 out of town visitors.
College Station Parks and Recreation manager Kelly Kelbly says Friday’s deadline is expected to be extended into next week for a number of events, including soccer, baseball, archery, and bowling.
Kelbly says openings are available in a variety of events for contestants from ages ages 6 to 100.
Click HERE for more information from the TAAF website, including online registration.
Click below for comments from Kelly Kelbly, visiting with WTAW’s Patrick Zeinert.
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