Not a single voice opposed making Grimes County into a super Voting Center among a little more than a dozen residents at last week’s public hearing on the matter, at least after Precinct three Commissioner Barbara Walker clarified one important point with Voter Registrar Rebecca Duff, there won’t be a reduction of polling places.
Several testified in favor of consolidating grimes’ voting precincts, one was fellow pollster Sharon Allen, who said more than once has a voter gone to the wrong place and didn’t make to the correct polling station and couldn’t cast their ballot.
So, there being no local objections to the proposal, Duff told the court that the Secretary of State will choose four small counties to be super voting centers this year; which ones will simply a matter of first come; first served.
And, Duff added, it shouldn’t take too long to find out, either, with the official decision expected to be in her hands by the middle of next month. And, of course, as soon as it is, you’ll hear about it right here on Navasota News.