The county road and bridge department and a school district within our county have entered into a new Interlocal agreement. Road and Bridge engineer Harry Walker explained it all at Wednesday’s meeting of Commissioner’s Court.
“We were approached recently by Anderson-Shiro’s school district asking if we were willing to enter into an Interlocal agreement to assist them with some of their road maintenance. Not that they have a lot of roads. But, in particular, they have a rock road behind the high school…it is over a half a mile long road. They had some damages last Fall and they asked if we could help them with that,” Walker said.
As for the contract itself, Walker says it is no different from other Interlocal agreements within the county.
“This is just for road maintenance,” said Walker. “It would be similar to the road maintenance agreement we have with small towns. Basically, the school district will pay for the materials and the county will provide the labor and equipment to install it.”
The agreement will run for 5 years, as other Interlocals do. The commissioners approved the agreement.