Following a two-month absence, County of Grimes has a new head of road and bridge. He’s an engineer, and he started work Tuesday December 1st.
Judge Ben Leman tells Navasota News after two rounds of intense interviews with himself and the commissioners, county resident Greg Blake came out on top of a dozen hopefuls.
The judge says Blake has demonstrated the right blend of technical knowledge and hands-on experience, adding the new R and B engineer has been living near Bedias for almost 5 years now and is familiar with the roads both paved and unpaved that criss-cross the county.
Of the three finalists up for the position, leman admits that the decision was tough. But he says, it was one special quality that brought Blake to the top of his list, his passion to serve the public.
We at Navasota News congratulate Blake as he takes the helm of the County’s Road and Bridge Department and with him much success.
And wherever the county’s 600 miles road may take him, you can count on Navasota News to let you know about it, both at 1550 on your am dial or at