As the shadow of Texas Central Partner’s eminent domain claims hang over the County of Grimes, county officials continue to fight the bullet train’s threat to residents’ peace and tranquility.
For example, Grimes County Judge Ben Leman recently traveled to Austin to voice his strong opposition of the controversial practice, in hopes of swaying the State Senate.
The judge tells Navasota News for eminent domain to work there needs to be comparable situations and he believes the damage caused by the proposed High Speed Rail would be greater than either a transmission line or pipeline could ever cause.
Add to that, he continues, this project also has an additional effect on homes and properties adjacent to ones being looked at by TCP, and those property owners have no voice in the matter and would not be compensated in any way.
As the battle over Texas Central Partners High Speed Rail Line continues, you’ll be able to keep up-to-date on whatever happens next, by keeping it at 1550AM or online.