COVID-19, or the Coronavirus, has dominated news cycles for a few days. Internet rumors began surfacing on Wednesday about the coronavirus’ presence within the county, with rumors saying there were as many as 12 cases in Grimes County.
Emergency Management Coordinator David Lilly squashed rumors on Thursday morning.
“Currently, there are no reported cases within Grimes County or the Brazos Valley as a whole,” Lilly said. “We are monitoring it closely, keeping our ears open as far as any reported cases, even in other counties in the region. To date, the only one we know about for sure is one confirmed case in Montgomery County, and 21 total cases in the State of Texas.”
If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or even anything else like the Flu, Lilly encourages you to stay home.
“The best thing they can do is self-isolate,” Lilly said. “Just isolate themselves for a few days and monitor their symptoms.”
Lilly remind everyone to consistently wash their hands for 20 seconds. He says, if you need help, try singing the “Happy Birthday” song in your head two times.