Not only is selling Navasota as a desirable location for new merchants and industry one of City Manager Brad Stafford’s primary jobs, due to the way the area is growing, he says it’s also becoming one of his easiest.
Because of our location, Stafford says we gain lots of traffic from Northwest Houston, we gain traffic from South College Station. Navasota is in the middle of that Golden Triangle where people want to move.
Stafford has been leading Navasota city government for more than a decade now, and during that time he says he’s seen lots of profound changes. among residents, it’s been a tremendous increase in their community pride. Among potential businesses neighbors it used to be, “Where IS Navasota?” Now it’s “You’re on our list, we’re coming” and they’re waiting on this or that. So there is a huge difference.
It’s ultimately a delicate balancing act that city government has to maintain, Stafford admits, of attracting new businesses that residents want close-by, while at the same time maintaining Navasota’s vibrant rural character.
He says City Council works very hard to maintain that balance, retaining our small feeling by trying not to recruit against anybody who is an existing business.
And you can do your job in helping them maintain that balance by attending City Council sessions, at 6 o’clock the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of the month in Navasota City Hall,where Navasota News will also be . . . just in case you can’t.