Election night in Grimes County saw one seat change, and a runoff election for the next State Representative for House District 12.
Locally, the big race of note was for Precinct 2 Commissioner, where David Tullos upended incumbent David Dobyanski with 57% of the vote. In the race for County Clerk, Vanessa Burzynski retains her position after gaining 55% of the vote.
In the race of House District 12 between republicans Kyle Kacal, Ben Bius and Joshua Hamm, incumbent Kyle Kacal’s bid for re-election came up 578 votes short of a majority. In Grimes County, Bius held 49% of the vote, with Kacal gaining 40 percent. In adjacent counties, Bius held an advantage in his home county, Walker, with 46 percent of the vote to 41 percent. Bius also garnered 51 percent of the vote in Washington County, while Kacal held 58 percent in Brazos County, 51 percent in Madison County and 68 percent in Robertson County.
In the larger races on the primary side within the county, for Governor, Republican Greg Abbott took 62 percent of the vote, while Beto O’Rourke on the democratic side took 90 percent.