Entergy Texas has once again received the government’s Energy Star Partner of the Year Award for outstanding efforts to promote energy efficiency in new residential construction.
Entergy’s Kacee Kirschvink says it’s the first time her corporation has received the prestigious commendation in the last four years, after having more than 1100 new homes in 2017 certified as high performance homes that are Energy Star Compliant .
And although a power producer trying to get people to use less of the power they produce may at first glance seem counter intuitive, Kirschvink says, if you think about it, it’s really just common sense.
The more money they save on their electrical bill and the less power we have to produce, she reasons, the less expensive it is for everybody.
Both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy recognized Entergy Texas’ Energy Star Partner of the Year Award at a special ceremony in Washington, D.C.