Entergy Texas has made a big donation to the Brazos Valley Food Bank.
That announcement came from the Food Bank Wednesday afternoon. Entergy is working with them through contributions, to help serve the six county region. Food banks were hit particularly hard during the pandemic, having more need with less resources.
The Brazos Valley Food Bank was presented a $10,000 check from Entergy on Wednesday afternoon.
Entergy has also created the “Enhanced Customer Assistance” program, following a year of uncertainty amidst the pandemic. The program will to provide several new bill payment options, to help customers facing difficulties.
Customers who experienced hardship were eligible to take up to 12 months to pay their current bill or unpaid balances.
In addition, funds are available for low income customers through he federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP. That assists low income households, particularly those with the lowest incomes and disproportionate highest energy costs to meet their home energy cost, by making payments directly to energy suppliers.
Homeowners and renters are eligible for LIHEAP assistance. Household’s annual income must be at or below 150% of federal poverty level. Energy costs must also be documented.
The LIHEAP resource for Grimes County would be the Greater East Texas Community Action Program. More information on them can be found at get-cap.org.