With growing Medicare fraud robbing more and more from taxpayers’ coffers, one local group has stepped forward to combat this heinous crime.
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program’s Becky Brown is asking for a few of the more concerned among us to learn how they can bring awareness to the county through the Texas SMP, Senior Medicare Patrol.
Brown tells Navasota News, the training is free and as a volunteer you can spread the warning signs of Medicare fraud and abuse, to just about anybody, from your church group or friendly gathering. Or more often for organizations she has set presentations.
And if you are worried about being a victim she has some hints, for instance; don’t give out your Medicare number to just anyone, only carry your Medicare card if you are going to the doctor and always check you statements.
You can train for the Senior Medical Patrol the last two Saturdays of this month. (03/21 &28) for more, you can visit www.rsvpvolunteers.com , or call 1-936-856-8647.