You have been officially challenged by one local group to step-up and take part in addressing a long-standing, on-going problem in our community.
The local Kiwanians recently managed to pool $500 to donate to Navasota’s Christian Community Services Center. And Kiwanian Sarah Korpita tells Navasota News her group wants you, your club, or even a group of your friends to out-do them.
Korpita believes each of us can do something about hunger in our community. And with tax season approaching, deductions provide even more incentive to look out for your fellow man. And even if you can’t donate money, she says there are other ways you can help instead.
For instance, she continues, the next time you go grocery shopping, buy just a few extra canned goods specifically to donate. It doesn’t have to be a lot every time.
The Kiwanis doesn’t always have enough resources to give all they want, she continues. But with your help, the local food pantry can continue to give our needy neighbors a good meal when they are facing tough times. For more on how to take part, call the Navasota Christian Community Services Center at 936-825-7454.