59 new cases of COVID-19 in this week’s Grimes County updates adds the total number to nearly 500 since March.
According to the release, the county has had 499 total cases since the start of the pandemic. Currently, there are 234 active cases, with 82 of them in Navasota. That is up 12 total from last week.
Recoveries in the county sit at 355, which is up 44 from last week, and 168 of those are in Navasota.
In this release, the death count was finally released, and Grimes County has seen 10 total deaths. Those are based on death certificates that take some time to be processed, and have occurred in the past months, not just in the last week.
4,865 tests have been performed.
For the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, there was one additional death mentioned on their COVID-19 dashboard from the Pack Unit recently. That was 67 year old Gilbert Gonzalez, who died from complications with COVID and a number of pre-existing health conditions on July 27th. In all right now, the dashboard says there are 7 total cases at the Pack Unit, with 3 of them offenders, and 4 of them employees. That is down 13 total from last week.
For the Luther unit, they have 17 active cases, up one from last week. 7 of those are offenders and 10 of them employees.
Any questions can be directed to the office of emergency management at 936-873-4404.

Zip code locations of cases as of Tuesday, August 25th