The Grimes County AgriLife Extension is getting it’s footing back after a slow couple years thanks to the pandemic.
Kyla Gladson spoke about heir recent updates at Wednesday’s meeting of Commissioner’s Court, saying they had quite the turnout on the youth side of things.
“We did complete the District 9 4-H Roundup, and had 28 youth participate back in April…it is the most we have had participate in that the last couple of years, so the numbers are definitely going back up,” said Gladson. “They competed in food show, share the fun, pubic speaking, consumer decision making, photography, and livestock.”
She said they recently concluded major stock shows in June, and had 14 youth place at the district level in 4-H Record Books.
“Last thing was our 4-H star awards…we had 20 4-H youth that applied to interview for a county star award, and 12 were awarded this year. They will be recognized at our awards banquet on July 30th,” said Gladson.
She said in their quarterly update too, they have provided training courses on the family development side, specifically in food handling.