No question about it: Grimes took a hard hit from the past two weeks of bad weather, but the Emergency Management Coordinator insists the county has shown itself to be quite resilient and is recovering quickly, with only one road reported still closed.
David Lilly tells Navasota News, Road and Bridge is doing a remarkable job getting the roads back to a manageable level, but there is still a lot that needs to be done. And there would have had a lot more, had last weekend gone differently.
And even though the end of the rain has brought him a sigh of relief, Lilly says he’s still concerned about our rivers, with some worried the Brazos and Navasota River may combine wrecking havoc to the lands between them.
Lilly and County Judge Ben Leman are meeting Monday (June 1st) to discuss last week’s disaster declarations; both what that means to county residents, and where they can go for funds.
We’ll let you know the results of that meeting later this week, right here on Navasota News.