Grimes County is getting in on a big class-action lawsuit against a major pharmaceutical company.
According to County Judge Joe Fauth, speaking in a recap video of Commissioner’s Court on Wednesday, spoke to what action the county is taking against Purdue Pharma, which is currently involved in opioid litigation.
“I do not know if we are going to get any funds out of that class-action suit or not. But, we have approved our County Attorney to submit paperwork, and there is a subject matter expert who has put together some information, which says Grimes County could be entitled to over seven million dollars. And that would be from 2003 expenditures, projected up to 2040,” said Fauth.
Over 2,000 counties and cities have sued the company for “grossly” misrepresenting “the risks of long-term use of those opioid drugs for persons with chronic pain,” according to the court documents.
Fauth went on to mention that there is a deadline to submit paperwork, which is August 1st.
“We, as a court, believe it is worth our County Attorney’s time to research, fill out the form before the deadline, and if we are entitled to any of those funds, then at some point in time, in my life, your life or your grandchildren’s life, we may receive that money from the government,” Fauth said.
The court gave County Attorney Jon C Fultz approval to submit paperwork in the class action lawsuit.