Hearings on the Texas Central High Speed Rail proposed rule of particular applicability to establish safety standards for the railroad will still be held amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Things will be a little different though, as the hearings will take place via telephone conference in May, according to a tweet from State Senator Charles Schwertner on Saturday.
The proposed standards are not intended for general application in the railroad industry, but would apply only to the TCRR system planned for development in the State of Texas. The TCRR system is planned to operate from Houston to Dallas, on dedicated track, with no grade crossings, at speeds not to exceed 330 km/h (205 mph).
The calls will be held this week, May 4th, 5th and 6th, for about 4 hours each time. To keep within the time limits, the FRA will limit individual statements to 2 minutes.
More information can be found by visiting the FRA website, and a link to the page, with more information about the hearings, is on our website at Navasota news dot com.