Due to concerns about high arsenic levels that came to light at the Pack Unit just outside Navasota, a U.S. District Judge recently ruled that it has to find new sources of water in less than two weeks. But the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) is fighting Judge Keith Ellison’s ruling.
TDCJ’s Jason Clark tells Navasota News, the jail is going to install a newer filtration system later next year but, because of the current ones short fall a collection of prisoners already suing the department for the lack of air conditioning, struck another blow with last Tuesday’s ruling.
Clark says the offenders have been lawyering up to get prison officials to manage the heat in the jails so that temperatures would not exceed 88°, but would not comment further, as he explains the case is ongoing.
Keep it on Navasota News for the latest on this story as it develops.