A Navasota High School student has won 3 world titles.
According to a press release from KickStart Kids in Navasota, Black Belt Miss Lillian Mahan from NHS participated in “The League World Finals 2020” event over the weekend. The annual, world wide Martial Arts tournament is usually held in Reno, Nevada, but went to a virtual format this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Competitors could perform from their living room, karate school, or even their own backyard.
In order to qualify, Mahan had to earn points by winnings 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in several regional events throughout the 2020 season.
During the World Finals, Mahan competed in several events. She won World Championships in Musical Extreme Open hand Performance, Creative Open Hand Performance, and Bladed Creative Weapons Performance.
She also garnered a silver medal in Musical Extreme Weapons, was a Finalist in Traditional Weapons Performance and Traditional Forms Performance, and was the Runner-Up in Overall 17 and Under Black Belt Grand Champion Performance.
Mahan is a member of KickStart Kids in Navasota, the Martial Arts America-Navasota Competition Team, and a member of the T-Force Elite National Karate Team.