Relief funds from the COVID 19 pandemic are still benefitting school districts, with Navasota ISD approving some new purchases this week, including new technology for teachers.
At Monday’s school board meeting, several purchases over $50,000 were approved in Emergency and Secondary Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER). Included in the purchase was $139,000 for new furniture, which consists of 300 combo desks for the Junior High, and 30 new tables and 60 stools for the 6th grade science labs.
Navasota High School will receive 166 desks, 33 new tables, and 206 chairs for classrooms.
ESSER Funds were also used to purchase 138 Chromebook laptops for teachers, valued total at $149,978, plus contracting with Seidlitz Education in the amount of $89,660.
The board mentioned that Brule Elementary was also looking at a contract with Seidlitz, but no action was taken.