Navasota property owners will be paying the same tax rate next year, if the city has its way.
City Finance Director Lance Hall told City Council the city proposing maintaining the same property tax rate as last year of .5542 per $100 of assessed value, which would result in a gain of $119,632.32 in revenue. That increased income, he explained, is because value that was lost in the industrial district last year brought the effective tax rate down to where keeping last year’s rate will be quite affordable.
On a $100,000 home, Hall reported, that would result in an increasing of taxes over last year by $28.90, annually.
City Manager Brad Stafford explained that the additional income that’ll be provided by keeping last years rate will allow the city to better address the city’s infrastructure needs where the rubber literally meets the road.
Stafford said that when they talk about infrastructure needs, what they don’t tell you is that most of that is owned by cities, and that’s where your needs are with 50 to 80-year-old utility lines, aging streets and a population that continues to grow.
Council is also hoping to make some improvements to the city’s Historic Commercial District, the 100 block of West Washington, by way of a Texas Capital Fund Program Downtown Revitalization Grant.
You can make yourself known on the city’s proposed tax rate at either of two Public Hearings: at 6 Monday evening the 28th during the next regular Council session, and at 6 on Tuesday, September 5th. And Navasota News will be there, of course . . . just in case you can’t be.