The Navasota Police Department is working on a grant that could bring them some new, important equipment.
Interim Chief Mike Mize presented on Monday the opportunity for some grant money from the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority.
“It goes up to $20,000, with a 20% match for us. It is for a license plate reader, we do not have one…it can be a mobile, portable or stationary type system, and it reads license plates, looking for those stolen either statewide, or nationwide,” said Mize at the city council meeting. “It alerts local agencies to put an officer, and then attempt to stop the vehicle, and identify them.”
He says they have been looking at these for awhile, and range from $15,000, to $30,000.
“So, our amount we would have to put in would be anywhere between $3,000 and $5,000, with the grant covering up to $20,000,” said Mize.
City Council approved not the grant itself, but for the department to go through thr application process and be considered.