The rapid growth of Navasota in recent years has caused some residents to raise concerns with the city over speed limits throughout town.
At the most recent city council meeting, resident Paul Stankwitz talked about the issues he’s seen first hand.
“I want to discuss the 40 mile per hour speed limit from North McNair Avenue, east past Highway 6. I want to propose a reduction from 40 miles per hour to 30 miles per hour. The reason for this request is because my daughter was almost his by a semi-truck, which was rocketing down Washington Avenue…this arose when our family dog ran into the street, and our daughter followed,” said Stankwitz. “Fortunately, it did not hit her, but it gave us a scare. About one week later, a neighbor had a similar situation.”
For speed limit changes, that falls not on the city, but ends with needing TXDOT speed surveys and state level approval.
City Manager Jason Weeks says, though, that all may be coming sooner rather than later.
“We met with TXDOT, and they are going to conduct a traffic study for the whole city, east of the Junior High, all the way west of Pecan Lakes,” said Weeks. “As soon as that study is complete, we will provide that information to the public.”
Since the situation was discussed during the public comment portion of the meeting, no action was formally taken on any issues regarding the speed limits in town.